April 9th, 2023
LumaBooth v3.9 – Multilingual Support

LumaBooth now supports five new languages:
- French
- German
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Spanish
To change the language of LumaBooth go to Settings > About and select the Change language dropdown.

Updated Sharing UI
When a sharing option is selected it will show over the entire screen for easy readability, especially with iPhones.

Sharing Status for All and Individual Events
View the sharing status for your current event, a different event or all events at once.

Other fixes and tweaks:
- Fix for pre and post roll videos not containing sound when used with boomerang.
- Fix for digital props and signature not printing on 2×6 templates.
- Fix for live preview freezing when disclaimer is rejected.
- Fix for Original filter not applying when allowing guests to choose the filter.
- Added an additional warning when using free trial.
- Fix for uploads not working when region is set to some non-US countries with 12 hour time format.
- Fix for app not starting on iOS 12, 13, and 14.