September 15th, 2015
dslrBooth for Windows v4.9.15
New Features
- Create a single 2×6 template that can be printed 2 per page. Choose 2×6 under Branding, Paper Size, then check Print 2 per page.
- Live view can be displayed on the start screen. Enable under Settings, Shooting, Live View, Display on Start Screen.
- Live view can be set to rotate 90, 180, or 270 degrees. Set under Settings, Shooting, Live View, Rotation.
- Pressing P during any screen will silently print an extra copy of the last print.
- Improve notification when printing.
- Add milliseconds to name of print file to allow sorting with original photos.
- New shortcuts: CTRL+F to enter/exit full screen. Backspace/Escape to cancel a session.
- Process multiple photos with green screen by copying and pasting them into dslrBooth data directory.
Bug Fixes
- Optimized placement of virtual keyboard on smaller screens.
- Fix for some PNG overlays not working with Green Screen.
- Better compatibility with Sinfonia CS2 and other printers with faulty printer drivers.
- Fix for handling corrupt fonts.
- Fix for handling photos from some Sony cameras.